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Perception and production across the life span
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Description: Successful social interaction relies on the interaction partners’ perception, anticipation, and understanding of others’ actions. The perception of a particular action and the capability to produce this action share a common representational ground. So far, no study has explored the interrelation between action perception and production across the whole life span using the same tasks and the same measurement techniques. This study was designed to fill this gap. Participants between 3 and 80 years (N = 214) observed two multistep actions of different familiarity and then reproduced the according actions. Using eye tracking, we measured participants’ action perception via their prediction of action goals during observation. To capture subtler perceptual processes, we additionally analysed the dynamics of gaze behaviour using recurrence quantification analysis (RQA). Action production was assessed via the accuracy of the participants’ reproduction of the observed actions. No age-related differences were found for the perception of the familiar action, where participants of all ages could rely on previous experience. In the unfamiliar action, where the participants had less experience, action goals were predicted more frequently with increasing age. The RQA revealed that the recurrence in gaze behaviour was related to both, age and action production: Gaze behaviour was more recurrent (i.e. less variable) in very young and very old participants, and lower levels of recurrence were related to higher scores in action production across participants. Incorporating a life-span perspective, this study illustrates the dynamic nature of developmental differences in the associations of action production with action perception. This project contains: - The dataset analysed for this study. - A short wiki explaining the variables in the dataset. - The manuscript of the finished project.