This component contains the original data as well as all the R scripts that have been used to draw the results in the main manuscript and all supplementary materials.
- RISP_analysesScript.R: Main analysis script. Derives ancillary datasheets that are used for the main and supplementary materials. Also includes all analyses discussed in the main manuscript.
- RISP_jointH07.txt contains data from the study published by Houston and colleagues (see main manuscript)
- RISP_LabC_data.txt contains data from LabC - used only for the supplementary analyses focusing on this lab
- RISP_merged_discri.txt contains data from all habituation (h-) experiments, from all labs
- RISP_merged_other.txt contains data from all familiarization (f-) experiments, from all labs
- RISP_pairsH07.txt contains data from the study published by Houston and colleagues (see main manuscript)
The following scripts were used to generate the results in the individual reports (the experiment is coded in the file name):
- RISP_sm_f-phrase-LabB.R
- RISP_sm_f-word-LabB.R
- RISP_sm_f-word-LabC.R
- RISP_sm_h-sib-LabA.R
- RISP_sm_h-sib-LabB.R
- RISP_sm_h-vowel-LabA.R
- RISP_sm_h-vowel-LabB.R
- RISP_sm_h-word-LabA.R
The following two files generate the results from two additional supplementary materials
- RISP_sm_hab.R Script to assess the possibility that the relationship between performance across days is mediated by habituation times
- RISP_sm_sep.R Script to assess the possibility that the relationship between performance across days is affected by the length of time separating test and retest
More detailed information is provided in the individual scripts.