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Behavioural Research UK Leadership Hub  /


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Category: Other

Description: This work package will lay the groundwork for building and enhancing capabilities in behavioural research, addressing challenges and fostering collaboration, training, and practices that contribute to sustained improvement and impact in the field.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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Understanding UK behavioural research capability: A cross-sector survey

This survey aims to help understand the current status of behavioural research in the UK and guide future directions. It will look at what types of re...

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Mapping UK behavioural research organisations and networks by sector and location

In this project we will gather information from existing databases, internet searches, stakeholder elicitation and snowballing to create and analyse a...

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Scoping behavioural research capabilities in UK startups & scale-ups

In this project we will conduct primary and secondary research (google searches, interviews, surveys) to understand the current scope and scale of beh...

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Current and future priorities for UK behavioural research: A review of national and international strategy documents

BR-UK is carrying out a rapid review of existing documents that describe strategies or agendas for advancing behavioural research capability in the UK...

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Demo Project 1: Understanding the translation of behavioural and social science advice to Government during a UK public health emergency (COVID-19)

This project aims to understand how advice from the Scientific Pandemic Insights group on Behaviour (SPI-B) was communicated to and received by Govern...

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Developing the UK’s capability in behavioural research: Cross-sector workshops to identify strengths, weaknesses and strategies

As part of BR-UK's capability scoping study, this project will convene a series of online workshops, inviting a range of behavioural researchers and b...

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