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The following studies were included in the present study: * **Saffran & Wilson (2003)** From Syllables to Syntax: Multilevel Statistical Learning by 12-Month-Old Infants, Infancy, 4:2, 273-284 * **Saffran, Hauser, Seibel, Kapfhamer, Tsao, & Cushman (2008)** Grammatical pattern learning by human infants and cotton-top tamarin monkeys, Cognition, 107:2, 479-500 * **Santolin & Saffran (2019)** Non-Linguistic Grammar Learning by 12-Month-Old Infants: Evidence for Constraints on Learning, Journal of Cognition and Development, 20:3, 433-441, * **Santolin, Saffran, & Sebastian-Galles (2019)** Non-linguistic artificial grammar learning in 13-month-old infants: A cross-lab replication study. Poster presented at 4th Workshop on Infant Language Development (WILD 2019) June 13-15, Potsdam, Germany.
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