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Description: Review question is what interventions provide nurses in the primary care setting through individual approach for the reduction of maladaptive grieving or risk for maladaptive grieving in adults? Aim: To synthesize the available evidence on interventions by nurses in the primary care setting using an individual approach to reduce maladaptive grieving or risk for maladaptive grieving. Methods: Design: An exploratory review will be carried out according to the methodology proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) criteria will be followed for the report of results. To structure the research question we will use the proposition Problem (P): Individuals with maladaptive grieving or risk for maladaptive grieving; Phenomenon of interest (I): Individual nursing interventions in the primary care setting; and Outcome (R): Resolution of the grieving process. Sources of information: First, the existence in the scientific literature of systematic reviews addressing the topic studied and in PROSPERO the registry of research protocols answering the same research question will be checked. After this initial exploration, the following databases will be searched: Medline (through PubMed and OvidSP), CINAHL (through EbscoHOST), Web of Science (WOS) (through WOS Complete), ProQuest (through ProQuest Complete) and SCOPUS (SCOPUS-Elsevier). To complete the process, manual searches will be performed through the Trip Database search engine. Search Strategies: Searches will be conducted in November 2023. A time limit will be set for publications published after 2009, based on the cut-off date criteria according to the studies included in the review by Nagraj & Barclay (2011). Search strategies will include the DeCS (MeSH) descriptor terms: "Prolonged Grief Disorder" OR "Bereavement" OR "Grief" OR "Grief" AND "Disenfranchised Grief" AND "Primary Care Nursing Primary Care Nursing" OR "Community Health Nursing" OR "Home Health Nursing" OR "Community Health Nurses" OR "Nurses, Community Health" OR "Nurses, Public Health" in the title and abstract. Searches will be executed by one of the investigators and verified by another investigator using the PRISMA-S for searching extension. Once the final search strategy has been established, it will be adapted to each of the selected databases. Eligibility criteria: Inclusion criteria: according to the characteristics of the participants: grieving adults receiving professional care by nurses in the primary care, home and community settings. According to the designs of the studies: We will include designs with quantitative observational methodology, both descriptive and analytical (cohorts and case-control) and intervention designs, both true experimental (such as RCTs, clinical trials without randomization and without a control group) and quasi-experimental (such as before-after studies). Qualitative studies with any methodology (such as grounded theory, phenomenology and ethnographies) will also be included. Studies published in English, Spanish and Portuguese will be included. According to the outcomes of the review: results that indicate improvements or favor improvements in the bereavement process. Exclusion criteria: According to the characteristics of the participants: studies conducted in the hospital clinical context and studies that do not include nurses. According to study designs: publications that do not correspond to research studies and gray literature will be excluded. Screening process: Records will be exported to an Excel® file for the selection process. After removing duplicates, the records will be assessed by title and abstract and organized into three groups: "potentially eligible", "doubtful eligibility" and "excluded". "Potentially eligible" and "doubtful eligibility" records will be retrieved for full-text screening. The process will be carried out by two independent reviewers and a third reviewer will be consulted in the case of discrepancies. To determine study suitability, the JBI for critical Appraisal tools templates appropriate to each type of design will be used. A score of more than 70% will be established as a quality criterion for inclusion of the studies. To verify the suitability of the process, a pilot test will be carried out on an initial record sample. Data extraction: The research results analyzed will consist of identifying the types of interventions delivered by nurses in the primary care setting through individual approach and extracting information on variables on their effectiveness in decreasing maladaptive grieving or risk for maladaptive grieving in the adult population. Data extraction will be performed independently by two investigators and solved by a third reviewer in case of discrepancies. The Mendeley® bibliographic reference manager will be used for data extraction and recorded in detail in the data extraction document. A pilot test of the extraction process will be carried out on a sample of studies.


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