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Category: Project

Description: This repository contains the data from: Steyvers, M, and Schafer, B. (in press). "Inferring Latent Learning Factors in Large-Scale Cognitive Training Data". Nature Human Behaviour. The data set includes the gameplay data for over 36K users across 50+ cognitive tasks. The raw data contains performance scores at the gameplay level and do not include the individual decisions made within a particular gameplay.


Inclusion criteria

The original data sample was generated by sampling users with the following characteristics:

  • Sign-up between Aug 1, 2013 and December 31st, 2016
  • Age at signup between 18 and 90
  • From the US, Canada, or Australia
  • English is preferred language
  • At least 500 lifetime gameplays
  • At least 99% of their lifetime Lumosity gameplays were on the web product (as opposed to mobile apps)
  • To ex…


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