We will run a Welch's t-test comparing average truth ratings across the anagram and no-anagram conditions.
We will first construct a "truth.mean" variable as the mean truth rating across all 15 trials for each participant, and then run the following code in RStudio:
**Additional analyses:**
For participants in the "anagram" condition, we will run an ANOVA with truth judgements as the DV and Aha! Moments and solving as the IV's.
For those in the "anagram" condition we will also run a repeated ANOVA with truth judgements as the DV and Aha! Moments and solving as the IV's, including only subjects who solved at least one anagram but did not solve every anagram, and reported at least one aha moment but not aha moments on every trial.
Pearson's correlations between Aha! experiences and truth judgments will be calculated for the anagram condition.