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Transmission of Religion across Generations - Project Description
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Category: Project
Description: The research project “The Transmission of Religion Across Generations: A Comparative International Study of Continuities and Discontinuities in Family Socialization” aims to understand the transmission of religiosity and non-religiosity across generations in Europe and Canada. We anticipate being able to provide a better explanation of religious change itself, and a more precise theory of religious change across generations. Drawing on quantitative and qualitative data, we will use a mixed-methods approach that combines the strengths of both methodological paradigms. Main questions: 1.) How does the transmission or non-transmission of faith, values and worldviews take place within families and across generations? 2.) What are the main factors in the successful (or non-successful) transmission of faith in different cultural contexts? 3.) How does religiosity change in the process of transmission? The project is financed by means of the John Templeton Foundation from October 2019 to June 2022 and will be carried out in cooperation between researchers from - the University of Münster (Germany),, - the University of Eastern Finland, - the Pázmány Péter Catholic University Budapest (Hungary), - the University of Turino (Italy), and - the University of Ottawa (Canada). SEE Wiki for more information on our theoretical and analytical framework. Find also first results. ***July 2022: Follow-up project: Explaining religious change across generations: an international study of religious transmission in families ***
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