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## Virtual panel: Data considerations across Humanities disciplines ### **Is this data? Research process as data in the arts** **Dr. Jon Bath, University of Saskatchewan** One of the biggest issues facing the implementation of data management plans for researchers in the humanities and fine arts is defining what is, and what is not, research data. The "Draft Tri-agency Research Data Management Policy" defines research data as "primary sources to support technical or scientific enquiry, research, scholarship, or artistic activity ... All other digital and non-digital content have the potential of becoming research data." For disciplines not used to thinking of their research materials as "data" this definition is frustratingly vague; are the sketches leading to a painting data? Is a medieval manuscript data? In this talk I'll address the need to clearly define what constitutes research data, and how a greater awareness of, and thus preservation of, the various stages of research that go into scholarly and artistic works will benefit both current academic artists and scholars, and future scholars studying their works. @[OSF](w48fm) <br> **Transcript:** @[OSF](yv2wh) **Jon Bath** is the Director of the Digital Research Centre and Associate Professor in the Department of Art & Art History at the University of Saskatchewan. His research focus includes the intersection between the digital humanities and the design of textual objects in the fields of digital humanities, bibliography, book history, and design. He is currently the PI for the SSHRC-funded Post-Digital Book Arts project and was a co-leader of the Modelling and Prototyping Team of the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) project. He is a theme lead and on the Executive Board for the CFI-funded Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship (LINCS) project.
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