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Description: Introducing new vocabulary in semantic categories has long become the gold standard in second language teaching, even though empirical evidence suggests that this practice might have a detrimental effect on word learning. We extend previous research by contrasting two learning contexts: categorically related (novel names for familiar concepts from the same semantic category) and categorically unrelated (from different semantic categories). Specifically, we investigate whether the learning context modulates the speed of acquisition, recall and integration of new vocabulary into semantic memory.


This project contains the pre-registration, the data and the scripts as well as the pre-print for a study that investigated the effect of the learning context on learning of novel names for familiar concepts. This study was published in JML in October 2021 (available online since June 2021):

Korochkina, M., Bürki, A., & Nickels, L. (2021). Apples and oranges: How does learning context affect novel…


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Data from the experiment, collected April-July 2019

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integrationlearning contextpicture-word interferencesemantic clusteringword learning

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