# Overview
A collection of PsychoPy2 experiments. Some are coded in python and some are designed using builder. Feel free to use, share and modify.
# Contents
- **2afc**: a two-alternative forced-choice task template. Includes /ba/-/da/ continuum for perception studies analyzing phoneme boundaries.
- **blp**: an English/Spanish implementation of the Bilingual Language Profile (BLP) by Birdsong et al. (2012). See [BLP site](https://sites.la.utexas.edu/bilingual/) for more details.
- **discrimination_ax**: an AX discrimination experiment template to accompany the 2afc task. Includes /ba/-/da/ continuum for categorical perception studies.
- **discrimination_axb**: an AX discrimination experiment template to accompany the 2afc task. Includes /ba/-/da/ continuum for categorical perception studies.
- **lexTALE**: a lexical decision task used for quickly assessing proficiency for psycholinguistic research. See [www.lextale.com](http://www.lextale.com) for more details.
- **self_paced_reading**: a self-paced reading experiment template.