Main content
- Amanda Huensch
- Nicole Tracy-Ventura
- Kevin McManus
- Ros Mitchell
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Category: Project
Description: The data made available here are part of Languages and Social Networks Abroad Project (LANGSNAP) longitudinal learner corpus. The initial project was undertaken by researchers at the University of Southampton (Mitchell, Tracy-Ventura, McManus, 2017; Tracy-Ventura, Mitchell, & McManus, 2016) and took place during 2011-13, as part of the research project "Social networks, target language interaction, and second language acquisition during the year abroad: A longitudinal study" (LANGSNAP Project: ESRC research award number RES-062-23-2996). More information about LANGSNAP and the experimental tasks can be found at LANGSNAP 3.0 ( and 6.0 were undertaken in summer 2016 and summer 2019 to investigate the long-term evolution of foreign language proficiency post-instruction and study/residence abroad.
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