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**Registered Reports** **Zoltan Dienes**<br/> *School of Psychology, University of Sussex, United Kingdom* The workshop will go through the process of submitting a Registered Report to a journal. I have worked as an editor for Registered Reports in Cortex for five years (i.e. since the format started) and there are typical reasons why a submission either does or does not get desk rejected; and typical qualities that are needed for in-principle acceptance at Stage I (i.e. the acceptance of the paper before the data are collected). I will go through how to think about writing a registered report, and the specification of analyses. The issues are those naturally imposed by the format, but are not necessarily apparent until one has worked with the format. We will consider examples of possible RRs from those attending the workshop to see how the process works. We will consider arguments for and against RRs, and the costs and benefits to you.
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