The following page contains a complete set of reproducible data for the preprint entitled "A human-neutral large carnivore? No patterns in in the body mass of gray wolves (*Canis lupus*) across a gradient of anthropization".
The reproducible data is contained into a compressed folder ("") which in turn contains:
- the reproducible script ("ReproducibleScript_WolfAnthropization_29Mar2022.R")
- the reproducible dataset, in .csv ("RecoveredWolves_29Mar2022.csv"), and relevant shapefiles for producing maps and spatial analyses.
- a short description of the reproducible dataset ("Readme_29Mar2022.docx")
Moreover, it contains two .gif files, corresponding to the animations "AnimationS1" and "AnimationS2" as reported in the preprint.
For any doubt or question, please contact dr. Jacopo Cerri ( or dr. Carmela Musto (