# YASARA movies
YASARA<sub>view</sub> is a biomolecule visualization program which can also play interactive movies. In CHEM361 at JMU, these movies are used to supplement the classroom activities. In the Files section, some of these movies are present (with more to come!) along with instructions on how to play the movies in YASARA. Instructions for obtaining YASARA can be found in the [YASARA guide][1].
If you wish to make your own movies a starter guide can be found [here][2] and a template is available in the Files section.
**Note:** Mac users sometimes have issues with the file being re-classified as a .txt file which prevent playing. A method to fix this issue is found [here][3] in the YASARA guide.
### Enjoy!
[1]: https://ceberndsen.github.io/YASARA-guide/obtaining-yasara.html
[2]: https://ceberndsen.github.io/YASARA-guide/movies.html
[3]: https://ceberndsen.github.io/YASARA-guide/errors-and-quirks.html