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0319 12:00 p.m. poster session. Zoom link: Welcome! Feel free to leave comments on the discussion wall via the top-right bubbles. Or just email me at Thanks! An eyetracking-during-reading experiment examined processing of sentences with transposed words (cf. Mirault et al., 2018). Comparing trials where participants correctly rejected a transposed sentence, incorrectly accepted a transposed sentence, and correctly accepted a grammatical sentence, we did not find evidence of difficulty when readers did not explicitly notice a transposition. Directly fixating both words reduced, but did not eliminate, the tendency to overlook a transposition. The former result argues against post-perceptual rational inference (Gibson et al., 2013) as the primary source of this illusion. We discuss implications for reading models that assume parallel (OB1-reader) or serial (E-Z reader) lexical processing.
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