Better Together: A Wellbeing Initiative for Doctoral Students is a project that aims to understand the wellbeing of postgraduate research students (PGR) and thereafter build awareness, resilience and practical skills for PGR students within the UCL Institute of Education, and across UCL in general.
Doctoral students often find themselves in exceptional situations, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, that require them to develop coping mechanisms and resilience and learn how to adapt. The outbreak of SARS-CoV2 will have a significant impact on PGR students’ well-being, such as it may force them to discontinue their research or change the direction of their project, or even discontinue their doctoral studies temporarily or indefinitely.
To understand better how such situations can impact on PGR students' wellbeing, but also how PGR students response to stressful situations, which sometimes are apparent in their doctoral journey e.g. upgrade, viva, we use a splinter group within the COVID-19: Global social trust and mental health survey ([DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/FE8Q7][1])
**Research Team**
- Dr. Maria Kambouri (Principal Investigator)
- Mr. Vassilis Sideropoulos (Co-Investigator)
- Ms. Jana Brinkert (Co-Investigator)
- Ms. Theodora Kokosi (Co-Investigator)
- Dr. Emily Midouhas (Co-Investigator)
The project is funded by the UCL Change Makers; under the [Postgraduate Research Project][2] call as a tool to help faculties and departments to enhance the experience of postgraduate research students undertaking their PhDs or doctorates at UCL.
This project received full ethics approval of the UCL Institute of Education on 29 April 2020 (REC 1345). Documentation available upon request.
[1]: https://osf.io/fe8q7/
[2]: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/changemakers/postgraduate-research-projects