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Rare sugars
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Category: Project
Description: Rare sugars: Metabolic and physiological properties of rare sugars. Rare sugars are monosaccharides or disaccharides that exist in small quantities in nature and have metabolic and physiological properties that help distinguish them from sugars like fructose and glucose. Unique properties of some rare sugars include slower or lower intestinal absorption rate, lower caloric contribution, improved glycemic response, prebiotic function, and lower risk of tooth decay. Some of the more common rare sugars include tagatose, trehalose, allulose, lactulose, leucrose, and isomaltulose. The scientific literature does not contain a publication that describes the unique properties of several rare sugars within a single document highlighting potential physiological benefits. Given the potential increased use of rare sugars in the diet, this technical narrative review would serve as a foundational piece for future translation to health professionals.

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