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Category: Project

Description: . In this OSF project, we provide additional materials for the following article: Humberg, S., Schönbrodt, F.D., & Nestler, S. (in press). Improving the probability of reaching correct conclusions about congruence hypotheses: Integrating statistical equivalence testing into response surface analysis. Psychological Methods. The files are organized in the following folders: Code_Templates: This folder contains code templates that implement each of the (existing and new) RSA-strategies described in the paper. Simulation_Code: This folder contains the analysis code used to conduct the simulation study. Simulation_MoreResults: This folder contains supplementary information and results for the simulation study: - SOM_01_simulation_population_parameters = population values of the coefficients and auxiliary parameters of the full model - SOM_02_results_complete_tables = complete result tables and figures for the simulation study (all population models, all sample sizes) - SOM_03_results_delta_variation = additional manipulation: acceptance rates for varying equivalence bounds of SET-strategies - SOM_04_results_parameter_analyses = additional manipulation: accuracy and precision of the auxiliary RSA parameters - SOM_05_results_bootstrapped_ses = simulation replicated for a selection of conditions with bootstrapped standard errors - SOM_06_results_trade-off_visualization = visualization of the strategies' trade-offs with "area under the curve" plots .

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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