This OSF project page includes data, analyses, and supplementary materials for the following paper:
Waltzer, T., Samuelson, A., & Dahl, A. (under review). The centrality of reasoning in moral judgments:
First- and third-party evaluations of cheating. *Judgment and Decision Making.*
**Coding schemes**. The open-ended data was categorized using established coding schemes. The full definitions of categories that researchers used when coding the data are provided in this folder.
**Data and analyses**. Anonymized data files for Study 1, 2, and 3 are available in the folder for each study. Loading scripts and analyses, which were written in R, are also available.
**Materials and procedures**. The full interview protocols for Study 1 and 2 are available, and the qualtrics file for Study 3 is available. We also included documents used as hard copies during the interview (e.g., checklist to mark responses in real time).
**Miscellaneous**. Additional files are available here. For example, the Supplementary Online Materials document provides more details about the methods and extra analyses.