We evaluated the execution time for different operating systems (Windows 10, OS X High Sierra, OS X Mojave) on different machine. We did not find a significant dependency on the OS, but clearly on the hardware of the machine. Here, we report the execution times from two machines with the following configurations:
Machine 1: OS X Mojave, CPU 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7, RAM 16 GB, MATLAB R2018a
Machine 2: Windows 10, CPU 2.1 Intel Core i7, RAM 8 GB, MATLAB R2018a
In the following table we provide details of execution time for different modules of the simulation framework for generation of EEG for one subject with 200 trials of one second, with sampling rate of 300 Hz. The overall execution time for EEG simulation for one subject with the above parameters are presented in the last two columns of the table. All these execution times are averaged over 10 runs.
![enter image description here][1]
The computational load of the framework is mostly on generation of the source space signal, particularly on generation of spatial decay of coherence matrix, which is used for generating pink noise. Please note that the spatial decay of coherence is only calculated once on each machine and saved on the hard drive, and then the simulation framework will load the pre-calculated matrix from the hard drive in the next runs. This will significantly reduce the execution time (last row of the table). Signal model generation for 200 trials was executed in less than a second for SSEP signal model and less than a minute for MAR model on the tested machines.
[1]: https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/fmuae/providers/osfstorage/5d1b06c44994dd001a167a56?mode=render