March 8, 2021 on zoom at 4:00 pm -5:30 pm PST
Faculty concerned about high-priced educational materials that do not meet their curricular needs have taken to creating open access educational resources to reduce cost for their students, to have more control over the content they assign in class, and to provide accessible resources to learners and institutions around the world. Learn from faculty who use and create open educational resources, what support they have in the process, and about the impact on their pedagogical practices and their students’ academic and personal well-being.
We’re asking UC San Diego open educational resources authors share:
Your motivations for publishing educational materials in open access
The process you undertook, why you chose the publishing platform you did
And any impact on students, other instructors, and/or the community
Faculty concerned about high-priced educational materials that do not meet their curricular needs have taken to creating open access educational resources to reduce cost for their students, to have more control over the content they assign in class, and to provide accessible resources to learners and institutions around the world. Learn from faculty who use and create open educational resources, what support they have in the process, and about the impact on their pedagogical practices and their students’ academic and personal well-being.
Will Styler (Linguistics, UC San Diego)
Fonna Forman (Political Science and Founding Director of the Center on Global Justice, UC San Diego)
Bob Glushko (Cognitive Science Program, UC Berkeley and UC San Diego alum)
Sarah Schneewind (History, UC San Diego) (pre-recorded interview)
Related Guide: OER for Faculty