In the Data component, you can download the two datasets used for testing the DAM and the DAM-4C as described in the paper.
In the Sintax, you can download the MATLAB functions for estimating and testing the DAM-4C and the pure discrimination model described in the paper.
When using the function or the data, please cite:
Stefanutti, L., Robusto, E., Vianello, M., & Anselmi, P. (2013). A discrimination–association model for decomposing
component processes of the Implicit Association Test. *Behavior Research Methods*, *45*, 393–404. doi: 10.3758/s13428-012-0272-3
Stefanutti, L., Robusto, E., Vianello, M., Anselmi, P., Dalla Rosa, A., Bar-Anan, Y. (2019). *Does discrimination beat association in the IAT? The discrimination-association model reconceived*. Manuscript submitted for publication.
Stefanutti, L., Robusto, E., Vianello, M., Anselmi, P., Dalla Rosa, A., Bar-Anan, Y. (2019). DAM-4C: The discimitation-association model reconceived. [Data file and code]. Retrieved from LINK