The documents contained in the folder "**" are the reproducible data for the preprint entitled “*For the few, not the many: local economic conditions constrain the large-scale management of invasive mosquitoes*”.
Documents have to be extracted from the .zip folder. There are 4 dataset, associated with the study:
1. the main dataset is “*ReproducibleDataset_05Jan2022.csv*”, containing information about covariates associated to the various municipalities
2. the dataset with data about mosquito control in the various municipalities is “*Reproducible_MosquitoControl_05Jan2022.csv*”. This file contains interventions against mosquitoes in each municipality, between 2000 and 2020, and the name of the original document
3. the dataset with data used for computing the deprivation index “*Reproducible_DeprivationIndex.csv*”. The files contains the variables used and the procedure.
4. the shapefile with municipal boundaries is “*ReproducibleMunicipalities_05Jan2022.shp*”, and its associated files (.dbf, .prj, .shx)
5. the shapefile “*RegionalBoundaries2020.shp*” is the shapefile with official regional boundaries (NUTS- This file is needed for producing maps, but it is not needed for replicating analyses.
These files should be uploaded in R and executed through the reproducible R code (“*ReproducibleScript_05Jan2022.R*”). File paths should be specified.