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We will collect 200 participants from MTurk, who have U.S. IP addresses, have participates in less than 500 studies, are NOT Master workers, and have a complete rate of >= 95%. Consistent with its use, we will sum all of the scores of the authoritarianism scale into one score. We will also construct a sum score of the vocab test. We will run the following model first in the entire data using just manifest variables: CATEGORICAL ARE ktd; missing are all (9999); Analysis: estimator = WLSMV; ITERATIONS= 10000; Model: ktd ON vocab rwa; vocab WITH rwa; Output: Samp stdYX Residual Cinterval Tech4 Tech1; We predicted that more intelligent people will think that kids are getting dumber. Any participants who reported hearing about the Flynn effect or who admitted to looking up the words were removed from the analysis. We predicted that more intelligent people will think that kids are getting dumber. More intelligent people believed children today were becoming less intelligent (*β* = .173, p < .04, 95%CI = .008 to .339). Authoritarianism was unrelated to these beliefs about children (*β* = -.054, p > .49). Thus, we found that more intelligent people believed kids these days were becoming less intelligent, but authoritarianism was unrelated to these beliefs.
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