Here you can find files used for the current version of Asian IAT on the PI demo site.
For the IAT task,
- American stimuli are: "AME002.jpg“, ”AME003.jpg“, ”AME006.jpg“, ”AME009.jpg“, ”AME0012.jpg", and "AME0016.jpg";
- Foreign stimuli are: "FOR001.jpg", "FOR002.jpg", "FOR003.jpg", "FOR004.jpg", "FOR005.jpg", and "FOR006.jpg".
- Asian American images are: "AME821.jpg", "AME831.jpg“, ”AME871.jpg“, ”AFE811.jpg“, ”AFE831.jpg“, and ”AFE851.jpg“;
- European American images are: "AME011.jpg", "AME021.jpg", "AME041.jpg", "AFE021.jpg", "AFE071.jpg", and "AFE081.jpg".
The experiment procedure has been change over years. You may contact Project Implicit at for the previous versions.