This repository contains the supplementary materials for the paper "Do local coherence effects exist in English reduced relative clauses?" by Dario Paape, Garrett Smith, and Shravan Vasishth.
The folders "Experiment 1 (SPR)" and "Experiment 2 (BSPR)" contain the data and Bayesian analyses. The folder "Materials" contains the English stimuli. The folder "Lognormal vs Gaussian predictions + ANOVA" contains code to run posterior predictive checks based on the different likelihoods, as well as all frequentist results reported in Appendix A of the paper.
The folder "German data" contains our replication attempts of Paape & Vasishth (2016, Lang Speech), including the analysis code.
The Bayesian analyses were run on a multicore computer using brms's CmdStanR backend. You may need to adjust the number of cores as appropriate for your machine. Some users report problems using the CmdStanR backend; in this case, consider switching to the default rstan backend.
Note that parameter estimates and Bayes factor results may vary slightly due to MCMC/approximation error.