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**Variables Collected** * **`workerID`**: The subject's worker ID as assigned by Mechanical Turk. In the posted data, this variable will be replaced with a **`subjectID`** column with arbitrary numerical assignment to protect subject anonymity. * **`completed_crossings`**: Integer. The number of completed crossings (should be `10` for all subjects) * **`total_score`**: Integer. The subject's final score. * **`unex_motion`**: String. The motion path of the unexpected object (`static` in all cases for this experiment.). * **`unex_distance`**: String. The vertical location (`above` or `below`) of the unexpected object relative to the player. * **`unex_location_relative`**: String. The location relative to the player (`infront` or `behind`) of the unexpected object. * **`unex_location_absolute_x`**: Integer. The absolute location of x coordinate of the probe in the display, in pixels ((0, 0) is top-left, (900, 900) is bottom-right). * **`unex_location_absolute_y`**: Integer. The absolute location for the y coordinate of the probe in the display, in pixels ((0, 0) is top-left, (900, 900) is bottom-right). * **`unex_crossing_num`**: Integer. On which crossing the unexpected object appeared. Can be `7` or `8` in this experiment, of 9 crossings total. * **`unex_crossing_origin`**: String. Which side the player was crossing from when the unexpected object appeared (`right` or `left`). * **`unex_color`**: String. The color of the unexpected object. `green` for all subjects in this experiment. * **`unex_shape`**: String. The shape of the unexpected object. `diamond` for all subjects in this experiment. * **`report_notice`**: Boolean. The subject's report of having noticed the object. `1` indicates the subject reported noticing something new, `0` indicates no such noticing. * **`report_moving`**: Boolean. The subject's report of whether the object was moving (`1`) or not moving (`0`). * **`report_direction`**: String. The subject's identification of the unexpected object's path of motion. Can be `up`, `down`, `left`, `right`, or `none`. * **`report_loc`**: Character. The subject's indication of where the unexpected object appeared relative to them (`above` or `below`). * **`report_color`**: The subject's report of the unexpected object color. One of `red`, `green`, `blue`, `purple`, `yellow`, `gray`, `black`, `white`, or `brown`. * **`report_shape`**: String. The subject's report of the unexpected object shape. One of `rectangle`, `triangle`, `diamond`, `circle`, `cross`, `t`, `l`, `b`, or `v`. * **`gender`**: String. The subject's self-reported gender, `male` or `female`. * **`age`**: Integer. The subject's self-reported age range. `0` = under 18, `1` = 18-24, `2` = 25 - 49, `3` = 50 - 80, `4` = over 80. * **`vision`**: Integer. Whether the subject requires vision correction and was wearing it during the task. `0` = Normal vision, `1` = correct-to-normal vision, correction worn, `2` = correct-to-normal vision, correction not worn. * **`color_vision`**: Integer. Whether the subject is colorblind (self-report). `0` = normal color vision, `1` = red-green colorblindness, `2` = blue-yellow colorblindness, `3` = some other color vision issue. * **`ishihara`**: Integer. The subject's response for the number contained in Ishihara Plate 38. Can be `5`, `21` (the answer typically given by those with red-green colorblindness), `74` (the answer typically given by those with normal color vision), `122`, or `0` ("I don't see a number"). * **`lagging`**: Boolean. Whether the subject experienced any lagging that impacted their ability to play the game (`1` = yes, `0` = no). * **`freezing`**: Boolean. Whether the subject experienced any freezing that impacted their ability to play the game (`1` = yes, `0` = no). * **`other_issues`**: Boolean. Whether the subject experienced some other technical issue that impacted their ability to play the game (`1` = yes, `0` = no). * **`other_text`**: String. A text description of the "other" technical issue. * **`prior`**: Boolean. Whether the subject had prior experience with any similar inattentional blindness tasks (`1` = yes, `0` = no). * **`prior_text`**: String. A text description of the subject's prior inattentional blindness experience. **Exclusion Rules** Subjects will be excluded for meeting at least one of the following criteria: * Incorrect reporting of the value of Ishihara Plate 38 * Reporting needing glasses or contacts but not wearing them during the experiment * Reporting any issue with color vision * Being under 18 years of age * Reporting that the game lagged, froze, or had some other issue that affected the subject's ability to play * Reporting prior experience with inattentional blindness experiments * The number of completed crossings is fewer than 10 (indicating some sort of bug) **Determining Noticing** We will create two different classifications for "noticing." For our main measure, a subject will be labeled as having noticed the unexpected object if all of the following are true: * They responded "yes" to the question, "During the game, did you notice any object appear in the display that was NOT a red car, a blue pedestrian, a flower, the seed basket, the barn, or the avatar you controlled?" * They responded "no" to the question, "Was the new object moving?" * They responded "it wasn't moving" to the question, "What direction was the new object moving in?" * They correctly reported "right" or "left" when asked "What side of the screen did the new object appear on?" We will also conduct the analyses with a more conservative definition of noticing as a robustness analysis, although we do not expect the results to differ very much. To meet the definition of "strict noticing," subjects must have met all of the criteria for noticing, *and*: * Correctly report that the new object was green * Correctly report that the new object was a diamond **Analysis Plan** For each possible unexpected object location (in front above, in front below, behind above, behind below), we will determine the rate of noticing for both the primary and strict definitions of noticing, as well as calculating bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals around these values. To determine the overall effect of in front versus behind, we will collapse across the above/below conditions and calculate the difference in noticing and a 95% bootstrapped confidence interval for the noticing rate for objects in front - the noticing rate for objects behind. A positive difference suggests an attentional advantage for objects that appear ahead of the subject, while a negative difference suggests an advantage for objects behind. To determine the overall effect of above versus below, we will collapse across the in front/behind conditions and calculate the difference in noticing and a 95% bootstrapped confidence interval for the noticing rate for near objects - the noticing rate for far objects. A positive difference suggests an attentional advantage for objects that appear near the player's location, while a negative difference suggests an advantage for faraway objects. Finally, we will examine the effect of vertical distance for objects appearing in front of the player (in front above - in front below), the effect of vertical distance for objects appearing behind the player (behind above - behind below), the effect of in front versus behind for objects appearing above the player (in front above - behind above), and the effect of in front versus behind for objects appearing below the player (in front below - behind below). We will get estimates of these values and 95% bootstrapped confidence intervals.
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