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Description: This study investigated the transparency and translucency of 1,525 pictograms from the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ARASAAC). A total of 521 participants took part in tasks that involved providing the word that best described the meaning of a pictogram or rating the relationship between a pictogram and a verbal label. This process allowed us to obtain, indices of transparency (the quality of pictograms that makes their meaning easily “guessable” in the absence of their referent) and translucency (the degree of perceived relationship between the pictogram and its referent when the latter is present) which were further analyzed to assess their reliability and comparability with similar studies. Additionally, the relationship of those indices with various visual and psycholinguistic characteristics was explored, particularly focusing on the match between the original ARASAAC pictogram names and the most frequently provided names by the participants (modal names) for the pictograms. Results showed relatively low levels of transparency, as well as high levels of translucency, with nouns displaying the highest values in both metrics. For transparency and translucency, word imageability and concreteness were the most correlated factors, and, together with age of acquisition, they were the most important features related to the name matching with ARASAAC. The norms derived from this study enhance our understanding of pictogram perception, empowering stakeholders to leverage data-driven insights for the development and implementation of pictographic systems, thus improving cognitive accessibility.


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