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Description: This document contains photographs and illustrations of lithics from a number of Creswellian assemblages from Derbyshire UK. All photographs and rough illustrations were taken/drawn by the author between 2014 and 2016. The author undertook this work as part of the lithic analysis of the assemblages above by both Katie Davenport-Mackey and Paul R Preston between 2014 and 2016. These analyses are part of a joint project to generate data for their own respective research needs. For Davenport-Mackey it contributes to her ongoing doctoral research. For Preston towards the further testing several lithic and raw material use models first developed in his D.Phil. research (Preston 2011).

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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Unprocessed Lithics Record Sheets of Assemblages from various Cave Sites at Creswell Crags and Northern England: Analysed Using the Analytical Lithics Module 1.1.1 (LFRM [Preston 2015]).

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