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Affiliated institutions: Center For Open Science

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Category: Project

Description: Project to organize resources for the "OSF in the Lab" webinar given on December 6th, 2017.

License: CC0 1.0 Universal


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Simple Experiment Structure

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Multi-site Collaboration Example

This project demonstrates one way the OSF can be used for a complex collaborative project involving multiple groups and tools. The study for this proj...

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Linked Projects Example

This example shows how the OSF's linking feature can be used to provide multiple routes to the same content. It is organized around the idea of a rese...

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Lab Example

This project demonstrates one way the OSF can be used to create a space for a lab to share materials and research.

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Classroom example

This example classroom project is designed to show how forking and linking can be used to connect various student projects to a main class page.

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Center for Open Scienceeducationalexample materialOSFOSF tutorial

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