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Date created: 2020-08-09 05:17 PM | Last Updated: 2021-08-23 02:50 PM

Identifier: DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/EVXFJ

Category: Project

Description: There is evidence to suggest that Selective-Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) and Serotonin-Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs) have undesired effects when reducing the dose or discontinuing the drug treatment. Despite the already documented withdrawal syndromes, side-effects such as sexual dysfunction might persist upon discontinuation, lasting from days up to years. We will review existing literature about all adverse effects that do not resolve when the antidepressant treatment is stopped, including known rebound- and withdrawal syndromes. Our aim is to give an extensive overview about all possible symptoms and syndromes, which may persist or first emerge after SSRI/SNRI treatment discontinuation. Thus, the protocol below outlines the plan for systematically reviewing all known evidence of the discontinuation emergent symptoms using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines.


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adverse effectantidepressantdiscontinuationpersistent post withdrawal syndromePSSDreboundside effectSNRISSRIwithdrawal symptomwithdrawal syndrome

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