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Open Science Workshop Materials of the LMU Open Science Center /
Symposium: Reforming Research Assessment - how to implementresponsible procedures and move beyond impact factors and h-index?
- Malika Ihle
- Felix Schönbrodt
- Toma Susi
- Tobias Grimm
- Jessica L. Rohmann
- Heidi Seibold
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Category: Communication
Description: A symposium organised by the LMU Open Science Center on March 13, 2023 in a hybrid format. Presentations from Prof Toma Susi, Dr Jess Rohmann, Dr Grimm, and Prof Schoenbrodt, were followed by a panel discussion chaired by Dr Heidi Seibold.
“The use of journal impact factors and other metric indicators of research productivity, such as the h-index, has been heavily criticised for being invalid for the assessment of individual researchers and for fueling a detrimental “publish or perish” culture. Multiple initiatives call for developing alternatives to existing metrics that better reflect quality (instead of quantity) in research asse…
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