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Data and materials for "When success is not enough: The symptom base-rate can influence judgments of effectiveness of a successful treatment."
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Category: Project
Description: The project includes the data and materials used in the experiments described in the paper: Blanco, F., Moreno-Fernández, M. M, & Matute, H. (2020). When success is not enough: The symptom base-rate can influence judgments of effectiveness of a successful treatment. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 560273. Link to published paper:
The project includes the data and materials used in the experiments described in the paper:
Blanco, F., Moreno-Fernández, M. M, & Matute, H. (2020). When success is not enough: The symptom base-rate can influence judgments of effectiveness of a successful treatment. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 560273.