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**This folder contains codes necessary to reproduce Fig. ED8 in the paper** *The folder contains four subfolders:* **FarLine** to obtain results from a line of ambient noise sources in the far field (plane wave). **NearCoastline** to obtain results from a circle of ambient noise sources in the near field (circular wave). **FigureED8** to obtain the corresponding Figure. **idw** with the corresponding function and licence. *The **FarLine** and **NearCoastline** folders are used for modelling, inside each of them there are two more subfolders with the names:* **Homogeneous** to obtain results for an homogeneous model (constant shear modulus). **Heterogeneous** to obtain results for an heterogeneous model (shear modulus that varies depending on polarisation results). **Dependencies:** The simulation requires the Image Processing, Mapping, and Wavelet toolboxes. It has been tested in Matlab 2019a. **Instructions**: 1) Enter one of the folder and find the .mlx file (Matlab commented file). 2) If interested, open the file and check the inputs in the commented Matlab format. 3) Run the file. All files necessary to run the simulation are included into each folder. **Simulation Time**: The simulation takes about 2 hours and 15 min to run on a MacBook Pro 2019 with Processor 2,3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 and Memory 32 GB 2667 MHz DDR4. **Outputs**: 1) A video in .avi format showing the wave propagation. 2) A .mat files containing velocity seismogram in the WE and SN directions. 3) A .fig plot of the corresponding seismograms. 4) A .tiff file representing the shear modulus distribution. **Post - processing** Folder FigureED8 contains all necessary files to reproduce the panels in the corresponding figure. The seismograms obtained in the simulation were processed using the Data Processing tools, available in this repository.
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