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### Overview The analysis scripts are in the open-source [R programming language][1]. Each script has a prefix that describes the figure to which it relates, and they scripts are numbered in order within each figure. To run the scripts on the data stored in this repository, you may need to update directory statements in the scripts (all starting with "~/dropbox/...." to correctly reference your local directory. The scripts rely on the `tmleAb` package, which you can download from GitHub using the `devtools` package -- see the [tmleAb package website][2] for details. We have also included the log files for each script (.Rout). Note that the scripts generate R output files (.RData) and figures (.pdf) that include the raw and processed results of all analyses. In most (but not all) cases, a separate script generates a figure for an analysis based on a stored results object (.RData). These scripts are also archived on Github ([]( [1]: [2]:
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