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While machine learning methods have supported significantly improved results in education research, a common deficiency lies in the explainability of the result. Explainable AI (XAI) aims to fill that gap by providing transparent, conceptually understandable explanations for the classification decisions, enhancing human comprehension and trust in the outcomes. This paper explores an XAI approach to proficiency and readability assessment employing a comprehensive set of 465 linguistic complexity measures. We identify theoretical predictions associating such measures with varying levels of proficiency and readability and validate them using cross-corpus experiments employing supervised machine learning and Shapley Additive Explanations. The results not only highlight the utility of a diverse set of complexity measures in effectively modeling proficiency and readability in Portuguese, achieving a state-of-the-art accuracy of 0.70 in the proficiency classification task and of 0.84 in the readability classification task, but they largely corroborate the theoretical research assumptions, especially in the lexical domain.
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