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Description: Angklung consists of two to four bamboo tubes suspended in a bamboo frame, bound with rattan cords. The tubes will produce certain notes when the frame is shaken or tapped. Each angklung produces a single note or chord, so several players must collaborate in order to play melodies. Traditional Angklungs use the pentatonic scale, but in 1938 musician Daeng Soetigna introduced Angklungs using the diatonic scale, known as angklung padaeng. Angklung is closely related to traditional customs, arts and cultural identity in Indonesia, played during ceremonies such as rice planting and harvest. Angklung education is passed down orally from generation to generation, and increasingly in educational institutions (Prodi Angklung and Musik Bambu ISBI Bandung. Angklung has been included in the UNESCO’s (United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization) list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity. This paper discusses the interesting things about the angklung. Especially the process of traditional angklung that developed into the modern angklung and then both has been worldwide as Indonesian culture heritage.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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