**Project outline for 2013_7**
*Keywords: psych verbs; emotion verbs; novel verbs; Russian*
Hartshorne, O'Donnell, Sudo, Uruwashi, Lee, and Snedeker (in press). Psych verbs, the Linking Problem, and the Acquisition of Language. Data for Exp. 8.
1. Joshua Hartshorne
2. Jesse Snedeker
3. Tanya Ivonchyk
**Data Collection:**
**Materials:** 6 fillers; same as used in "Drama Queen". The verbs for the fillers were chosen from the Japanese verbs not used. Which friend's name goes with which stimulus was randomized for each subject. 7 short-lived and 7 long-lived states based on Japanese verbs (russified), as determined by a pilot ratings. Order of stimuli (including fillers) was randomized for each participant.
**Procedure:** Participants randomly assigned to have the experiencer-subject option presented first or second. Forced choice between the options. Participants told that Katya has many emotionally fraught relationships with friends. On each trial, presented with a friend, an emotion of Katya's, and a verb. The verb, they are told, is Japanese and used by Russians living in Japan -- can they use it correctly as well? Then asked to choose between an ES and EO sentence.
Data collection continued after the analyses were run. The file Diva_extradat.csv includes that extra data, which were not used in the paper.