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Description: In order to explore variables that play a role in the identification of multimodal metaphor and metonymy, two researchers annotated 35 generic advertisements in 5 rounds of 7 advertisements and 2 rounds of 15 genre-specific mobile phone advertisements. Both researchers followed the same set of instructions: (1) formulating the main message of the advert; (2) identifying the product or salient product (i.e. the target); (3) eliciting what is being said about the product or its related attributes (i.e. the source); and finally, (4) deciding whether the relationship between the product/attributes and what is said about them is metaphoric or metonymic. For each advert, the coders annotated individually the presence of metaphor and metonymy and the respective metaphoric or metonymic label. The goal of this series of annotations was to know whether: (a) there was any variation in the reliability with which metaphor and metonymy were identified (within and across rounds); (b) there was any variation in the reliability with which the metaphoric and metonymic labels were formulated (within and across rounds). The coders reviewed their individual annotations jointly at the end of each round, and the protocol was revised after each round.


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