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Description: Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling (IJoLEC) is an open access journal that managed by the peer review process, having ISSN: 2622-8068 (Print) and ISSN: 2622-8076 (Online). This journal invites scientists, practitioners around the world to exchange and disseminate theoretical topics and practices aimed at the advancement and development of field science (1) Learning education, (2) Educational technology and (3) Counseling. Articles sent in the form of Doc format (Using Microsoft Word) and in Indonesian or English, for the initial review phase by the editor and further peer review by a minimum of two reviews according to their area of expertise. Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling has a prefixes DOI: 10.31960 . IJoLEC is published twice a year by the ILIN Institute with a field of study (1) Education in Learning: Primary Education, Learning Models, Curriculum, Learning Innovation, Vocational Education, (2) Educational Technology: Learning Technology, Learning Media, Virtual Education , Educational software, digital technology in education, Multimedia Learning, E-Learning (3) Counseling: Educational Psychology, Guidance and Counseling, IT in BK, BK Media, Counseling Techniques, Family Counseling

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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CounselingIJoLECILIN InstituteJurnal IJoLECLearning education

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