![enter image description here][1]
# How to use this lab page?
0. Start by reading [Procedures - General](https://osf.io/ede88/wiki/Procedures%20-%20General/).
1. Then read through the other [Wiki pages](https://osf.io/ede88/wiki/home/) on the left as needed.
2. Explore the components from the [main page](https://osf.io/ede88/).
3. Then, do not be afraid and make your own modifications to this wiki! See the [OSF markdown guide](http://help.osf.io/m/collaborating/l/524109-using-the-wiki) to see how to use the syntax.
# Get to know the OSF platform
## Introduction
## The OSF for the lab
[1]: https://etienneroesch.files.wordpress.com/2023/06/ebrlab.png