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The COMMOTIONS Urban Interactions Driving Simulator Study Dataset
- Aravinda Ramakrishnan Srinivasan
- Julian Schumann
- Yueyang Wang
- Yi-Shin Lin
- Michael Daly
- Albert Solernou
- Arkady Zgonnikov
- Matteo Leonetti
- Jac Billington
- Gustav Markkula
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Category: Data
Description: Accurate modelling of road user interaction has received lot of attention in recent years due to the advent of increasingly automated vehicles. To support such modelling, there is a need to complement naturalistic datasets of road user interaction with targeted, controlled study data. This project describes a dataset collected in a simulator study conducted in the project COMMOTIONS, addressing urban driving interactions, in a state of the art moving base driving simulator. The study focused on two types of near-crash situations that can arise in urban driving interactions, and also collected data on human driver gap acceptance across a range of controlled gap sequences.