Headquartered at UC Berkeley, the [Development Impact Lab][1] (DIL) is an international consortium of universities and research institutes working to advance global development through social science, the physical sciences and engineering. DIL was launched in 2012 with support from USAID's [Global Development Lab][2] with the explicit goal of better harnessing the ingenuity and expertise in universities to advance international development.
This page serves as a central hub to which each of the Development Impact Lab's projects' OSF project is linked. On those pages, you can find DIL projects' publically available data and metadata describing it. While those pages and data were prepared by the projects' research team, this central OSF page is managed by DIL PI Ashok Gadgil. If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to dil-grants@berkeley.edu.
[1]: http://dil.berkeley.edu/
[2]: https://www.usaid.gov/GlobalDevLab