Ian's 5/19/2016 talk is being recorded and transcript will be posted after workshop .
Here are some notes about the tutorial durig which Ian steps the particpipants through an explication of the following items while they try ea:
STEP1: Create
- To create an account on the open science framework (http://demo.osf.io/)
- Receive an email and verify your demo account and then create a project for a publication (Click the create a project button to create a project for the publication we
will expose.)
STEP 2: Open
- To make the project public Click the “Make Public” button on the
top right hand side of the dashboard.
STEP 3: Add Data
We want to add three files:
- To add the publication PDF to the project/publication (ResearchPaper.pdf – which is the PDF for
the research paper for this research)
- And add a python script to the project/publication (slice.py – which are the methods for this
research (a python script that processes the
- And add a data set to the publication (si_10cm_e1_tst_0250.h5.zip, which is the
data set to be processed, zipped.)
STEP 4: Browse Data
For example, Ian's demo acct is:
For example, my project ID is “fpnaw”
- Let’s browse the REST API to see the data on OSF
To browser the data providers in this
account, you can type this into your
STEP 5: Research Containers
- Run the data methods on the data in a Docker container
- View the container in Boatload, and browse other containers
Finish the experiment and download the results
[1]: https://demo-api.osf.io/v2/nodes/fpnaw/files/?format=json