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Description: Goal. The goal of this paper will be to analyse potential change in outcomes relating to Institutional Trust, Attitudes to Government, Mental Health and Subjective Wellbeing after New Zealand went to Covid-19 alert level 4 (involving staying at home except for essential travel to supermarkets, doctors, etc, temporary closure of non-essential businesses, and social distancing in household bubbles). Analysis Overview. To answer these questions about possible change in attitudes during Level 4, we plan to compare all responses to the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study questionnaire collected during the first 2.5 weeks of the Level 4 period (26 March 2020 – 12 April 2020) with a propensity score matched control sample drawn from the many responses previously collected as part of the same (Time 11) wave of data collection that occurred before people were aware of Covid-19 (responses collected in October, November and December of 2019).


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