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The Impact of Depression, Resilience, and Locus of Control on Adjustment of Health-Related Expectations in Aging with Chronic Illness
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Description: This projects presents the data and additional files on the Paper "The Impact of Depression, Resilience, and Locus of Control on Adjustment of Health-Related Expectations in Aging with Chronic Illness" [10.3389/fpsyg.2022.867785]. 94 patients (age M = 71.8, SD = 7.7 years) with neurological disorders from the NeuGerAdh study [1] were additionally interviewed via telephone in November and December 2020 regarding depression, resilience and health-related locus of control. Current and desired state of several domains (e.g. health, finances, family, leisure activities, pain) were assessed via questionnaire. From the baseline assessment, sociodemographic data as well as data on Quality of Life, Health, Depression, Cognition, Mobility and Medication is available. [1] Prell T. (2019). Adherence to medication in neurogeriatric patients: an observational cross-sectional study. BMC public health, 19(1), 1012.
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