The data files representing the aggregate Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology results is also available for re-use. This file includes outcomes of the replications and original findings at three levels: paper, experiment, and effect. Effect level includes all unique effects (i.e., independent replications are included), meaning it represents "all outcomes" in the final papers.
- [Paper level dataset][1]: A CSV of the published dataset is here.
- [Paper level data dictionary][2]: A CSV explaining each of the variables in the dataset is available here.
- [Experiment level dataset][3]: A CSV of the published dataset is here.
- [Experiment level data dictionary][4]: A CSV explaining each of the variables in the dataset is available here.
- [Effect level dataset][5]: A CSV of the published dataset is here.
- [Effect level data dictionary][6]: A CSV explaining each of the variables in the dataset is available here.
Despite a rigorous auditing process of each individual replication, we expect that errors could still be identified in the individual replication data or analyses, or in the aggregate data or analyses. If you believe that you have found an error, please email to report it. We will maintain a versioned dataset so that both the "original" and most recent versions of the dataset can be analyzed.