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Description: TIPD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples open research Data 台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫 1_CopyLeft(L) 2013-2024, Council of Indigenous Peoples (, Taiwan. 2_Acknowledgement: The research is mainly supported by grants of “Research on Contemporary Taiwan Indigenous Peoples” from Council of Indigenous Peoples in 2013-2022. The research is also granted by National Science and Technology Council, grant numbers: MOST 106-2420-H-001-008-MY2; MOST 106-2420-H-156-001-MY2; MOST 109-2420-H-001-003; MOST 109-2420-H-156-001; NSTC 112-2410-H-001-075-MY2. We appreciate some research grants from Academia Sinica. 3_誌謝:本計畫"台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫" (TIPD, 主要由原住民族委員會支援研究經費;國科會亦支持本計畫之相關計畫,計畫編號:MOST 106-2420-H-001-008-MY2; MOST 106-2420-H-156-001-MY2; MOST 109-2420-H-001-003; MOST 109-2420-H-156-001; NSTC 112-2410-H-001-075-MY2;我們亦感謝中研院支持部分研究經費。 4_連絡Contact E-mail: 為何是CopyLEFT/Why CopyLEFT: "CopyLEFT (L)" is an effective way of building mutual trust that leads to mutual understanding, collaboration, and innovation. "CopyLeft(L)"是促進互信的有效方式,其公開特質將進一步促進相互理解、協同合作、及創新。 法律及倫理議題/Legal and ethical issues: TIPD archives have been approved by IRB board of Academia Sinica and Council of Indigenous Peoples that the archives fully comply with legal and ethical requirements. TIPD資料已由中研院倫理審查委員會及原住民族委員會認可符合法律及倫理規範。 快速下載/Quick download: Click here to start downloading TIPD open data: 點選這裡立即下載TIPD開放資料: 語言/Languages: TIPD is bilingual in English and traditional Chinese TIPD以雙語資訊呈現,包括英文及繁體中文 資料來源引用 Citation of data source: If TIPD helps overcoming data & information constraints in your research & work, please kindly acknowledge TIPD's contribution. We will be highly encouraged! 如果TIPD對您研究工作有助益,請不吝引用或說明為研究資料來源,這對我們是另種形式鼓勵! 連絡方式及通報錯誤/Contact and report errata: E-mail: 電子郵件: 當代台灣原住民相關資料 Related Projects TIPs on OSF: 1. Lin, Ji-Ping, Ming-Cheng Lee, Hiu Ha Chong, Li-Chuan Liu, Kui Kasirisir, and HSIN-CHUNG WANG. 2024. “TIPD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Open Research Data 台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫.” OSF May 8. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/E4RVZ. 2. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TPDD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Population Dynamics Open Data 台灣原住民族人口動態開放資料.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/UKJGS. 3. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TMDT: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Multidimensional Table Data 台灣原住民族多維表資料庫.” OSF . May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/A23EC. 4. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TICT: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Contingency Tables 台灣原住民族基礎列聯表.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/9NRWD. 5. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TIHD: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Household Structure Open Data 台灣原住民族家戶結構基礎開放資料庫.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/ZBWEK. 6. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TICD : Taiwan Indigenous Communities Open Data 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/ESW67. 7. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “iqTICD : Integrated Query System of Taiwan Indigenous Community Open Data 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫綜合查詢系統.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/RFE6P. 8. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TIHV : Taiwan Indigenous People’s High-Resolution Visualization of Population Distribution, Migration Dynamics, Traditional Communities by Ethnic Groups 當代台灣原住民高解析度視覺化圖形資料庫:人口分布、遷徙、傳統部落.” OSF May 8. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/V8ZK3. 9. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “TIMD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Migration Dynamics 台灣原住民各族群遷徙動態.” OSF May 7. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/6RPZ9. 10. Lin, Ji-Ping. 2024. “iqTICD on Google: Taiwan Indigenous Communities Open Data Query System on Google 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫Google綜合查詢系統.” Google 11. Migration dynamics of hard-to-reach population in the context of regional inequality: Longitudinal research in Taiwan Introduction 當代台灣原住民相關資料 Related Projects TIPs on AS: (1) Joint page on TIPD & TICD open data: (2) 台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫 TIPD: (3) 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫 TICD: (4) 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫綜合查詢系統 Integrated Query System of TICD: (5) 台灣原住民各族群遷徙動態 Migration Dynamics of TIPs: (6) 當代台灣原住民高解析度視覺化圖形資料庫:人口分布、遷徙、傳統部落 High-resolution visualization of TIPs's population distribution, migration dynamics, traditional communities by ethnic groups: (7) TICD查詢網址 TICD query URLs: (a) TICD on Google: (b) original URL: Introduction: 1 Why the Research and Importance: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples (TIPs) are a branch of Polynesian-Malaysian (or Austronesian) ethnic groups in genetic and linguistic context. Since early 17th Century, TIPs had been playing a crucial role during the Great Marine Times of East Asia trades. There was a rich body of ethnographic, official and academic records on TIPs before 1940. However, the period of 1940-2000 marks as data ”Dark Ages” for TIPs due to 1941-45 Pacific War, 1946-1990 political authoritarian rule in fears of communism and communists infiltration. Persistent lack of TIPs data led TIPs to become isolated, marginalized and thus underdeveloped. Taiwan resumed TIPs population census in 2000 and began recording TIPs individual records in household registration system since 2003. This research program is conducted on the basis of a four-year Joint Research Agreement between Academia Sinica and Council of Indigenous Peoples starting in 2013. One important aim of the research is to construct big anonymous TIPs open research data (or TIPD) based on contemporary census and household registration data sets. TIPD utilizes state-of-the-art data science, record linkage, geocoding, and high-performance in-memory computing technology to construct various dimensions of TIPs demographics & developments. Major outputs of TIPD applications include cross-sectional categorical data, longitudinally constructed population dynamics data, life tables, household statistics, micro genealogy data, intra- & inter-ethnic marriage data, ethnic integration data, ethnic patriarchy and matriarchy identity data, etc. They reflect the progress and efforts of Taiwan academicians struggling to construct various developments of contemporary TIPs. Not only is the research program expected to unveil contemporary TIPs demographics and various developments, but also to help overcome research barriers & unleash social creativity for TIPs studies. They will contribute to shed lights on contemporary population, human dynamics, and developments of TIPs which have been “invisible” to the world for seven decades. 2 Types of TIPD: Major outputs of TIPD which are open to the public amount to 135,000 files in number and around 265 GB in size. TIPD are bilingually documented and its content, context, and volume are growing steadily. TIPD now consist of three categories of open research data: (1) categorical data, (2) household structure and characteristics data, and (3) population dynamics data. Categorical data include four broad dimensions. The first one is contingency tables which are available in PDF, HTML, RTF, XLS formats; the second is multi-dimensional data which are offered in CSV, Excel, dBase, Matlab, Gauss, HTML, JMP, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Access, and R data formats; the third is open data on urban indigenous peoples; the fourth is open data on indigenous traditional tribes/communities. Household structure and characteristics data consist of three broad dimensions of information: (1) household head information, (2) household member composition information, and (3) household geographical information. They are also available in CSV, Excel, dBase, Matlab, Gauss, HTML, JMP, SAS, SPSS, Stata, and R data formats. Population dynamics data consists of three categories: (1) increased population within a given period of time. It can be further dichotomized into two branches of data, population increase due to birth and due to immigration; (2) decreased population within a given period of time. It can also be divided into two branches of data, population decrease due to death and due to emigration; (3) intact population within a given period of time. It can be distinguished into two categories of population: those who make internal migration and those remaining staying-put. For intact population who make internal migration, internal migration processes such as in-, out-, net, gross migrations are analyzable. Every types of population dynamics data are available in CSV, Excel, dBase, Matlab, Gauss, HTML, JMP, SAS, SPSS, Stata, Access, and R data formats. The potential applications for research on TIPs based on TIPD include studies on birth, death, migration, residential mobility, life table, marriage, ageing, education, medical care, labor, family, community, etc. TIPD could be used as background data for survey study, including population analysis, sampling design and sampling planning. TIPD also offers additional open data for specific research purpose, including (1) indigenous tribal data in traditional territories, (2) indigenous communities in urbanized areas, and (3) aggregated population centers at various geographic units. 3. Potential contributions: TIPD reflects the progress and efforts of Taiwan academicians struggling to construct various developments of contemporary TIPs population. The potential applications for research on TIPs based on TIPD include studies on birth process, death process, migration process, residential mobility, life tables, marriage, ageing, education, medical care, labor, family, community, etc. TIPD could be used as background data for survey study, including population analysis, sampling design and sampling planning. Not only does TIPD help unveil contemporary TIPs demographics and various developments, but it also helps overcome research barriers and unleashes creativity for TIPs studies. It will help shed light on contemporary population, human dynamics, and developments of TIPs which have been “invisible” to the world for seven decades. TIPD potential contributions are threefold. First, theoretically based on data science, not only does TIPD overcome legal and ethical issues, but it also democratizes the use of detailed information hidden in modern micro data sets. Thus it is expected to promote research and unleash creativity in the context of TIPs studies and to enhance the visibility of TIPs. Second, TIPD empirically demonstrates that the value-added data enrichment and open data sharing could be accomplished by using less expensive digital infrastructure and open data repository. Third, in addition to general-purpose research, TIPD enables us to conduct very specific researches, such as population dynamics, family life course, life table, ethnic relationship, etc. In short, the potential contributions of TIPD are as follows. First, a contribution of moving from “closed” to “open” in the sense that the research on TIPD helps shed light on contemporary Taiwan Indigenous Peoples and human dynamics which have been “invisible” to the world for seven decades. Second, a contribution of moving from “the elite” to “the ordinary” in the sense that the constructed open data sets reduce tech barriers for researchers interested in indigenous population studies. Third, a contribution of moving from “local” to “global” in the sense that the English version of TIPD is open to the international academic community to promote further value-added data enrichment through international collaboration. Fourth, a contribution of enabling TIPs research from “macro and static” to “micro and dynamic” data by providing, e.g., micro social network data, genealogy, and population dynamics open data. 研究計畫簡介: 一、研究緣起及重要性:台灣原住民族屬南島民族,不僅社會及文化多元,族群及語言多樣,自大航海時代以降,亦在東亞經貿扮演要角,歷史文獻眾多。近代以科學及系統化方式記錄台灣原住民族基礎資料始自日治時期,包括人口普查、户籍登錄及調查,但至太平洋戰爭爆發而終止。1940年代初始至公元2000年,係台灣原住民族基礎資料付諸厥如之「黑暗時代」。主要原因包括日治後期太平洋戰爭、戰後治權移轉及治理混亂、國共內戰保安思維延續及擴大至原鄉、和強調單元文化主義。戰後原住民族基礎資料之缺乏,導致原住民族學術研究及各類政策規劃和設計無所依據,難以科學方法進行系統化研究;該情況亦導致原住民族陷入更加孤立與隔絕,使原住民族各類發展難以和現代化過程銜接。基礎資料長期之缺漏,原住民族終將變成過去歷史記憶,並失去現代性及未來發展性。解嚴後及1990年代,眾多先進努力下,公元2000年户口及住宅普查恢復蒐集原住民族基本資料,是為近代原住民族基礎資料之重大里程碑。爾後原住民身分法公布,戶政系統開始加註原住民族戶籍登錄資料,歷經十多年之精進,公元2010年後原住民族公務登記資料之內容和品質已日趨完備。台灣原住民族是台灣過去發展長期被忽略及忽視的主角,今日之記錄必成明日之史料,未來之發展無法脫離過去之軌跡。本研究計畫目的之一是以原住民族現代公務登記資料為基礎,以保障隱私、合乎法律規定、及倫理規範為前提,定期保存原住民族現代公務登錄資料,並運用現代科技及先進計算技術,以科學方法系統化及自動化方式,進行基礎資料加值和基礎統計量運算。研究亦以開放之精神,成果將公開供國內外產官學專家参考及運用,期許有助彌補過去原住民族基礎資料缺失之憾,對目前及未來原住民族基礎資料保存和運用,及促進多元文化發展和各族群相互理解,略盡棉薄之力。 二、資料種類及內容:TIPD目前計約135,000個及共約265GB開放學術研究資料檔,以中文及英文描述,研究資料內容、種類、及規模將持續增加之中。目前主要開放研究資料類型包括:(1)類別資料(或稱離散資料),(2)家戶結構資料,(3)人口動態資料等三大類型。類別資料再分成兩大類:(a)列聯表(或所謂交叉表),含PDF、HTML、RTF、XLS四個基本格式;(b)多維表,含CSV、Excel、dBase、Matlab、Gauss、HTML、JMP、SAS、SPSS、Stata、Access、R等格式;(3) 都市原住民開放資料;(4) 傳統部落/社區開放資料。家戶結構資料包括三個基本面向:(1)戶長基本資訊、(2)家戶成員組成資訊、(3)家戶環境變數資訊,亦以CSV、Excel、dBase、Matlab、Gauss、HTML、JMP、SAS、SPSS、Stata、Access、R等格式呈現;人口動態資料分成三大類:(1)兩時點間”增加人口”,可區隔”出生”及”跨國移入”因素、(2)兩時點間”減少人口”,亦可區隔”死亡”及”跨國移出”因素、(3)兩時點間”持續存活人口”,可區隔”沒做內部遷徒(stay-put)”及”有做內部遷徒”因素,內部遷徙亦可分析”移入”及”移出”等要素,人口動態資料亦以多維表資料呈現,含CSV、Excel、dBase、Matlab、Gauss、HTML、JMP、SAS、SPSS、Stata、Access、R等格式。TIPD開放研究資料庫可當質性或量化研究之專業或背景資料,主要潛在應用領域包括出生、死亡、人口遷徙、家戶流動、生命表、婚配、老化、教育、醫療、照護、勞動、家庭、社區,亦可做為母體分析、抽樣設計及抽樣規劃等參考依據。TIPD亦提供特定用途的開放研究資料,包括(1) 都市原住民開放研究資料、(2) 傳統部落及社區基礎資料、(3)各類人口重心資訊(包括區域、縣市、鄉鎮市區、村里、都會區、部落) 三、潛在貢獻:如下(1).幫助學術研究及民間部門克服資料取得之障礙及促進研究效率,並間接促進當代原住民研究:當代原住民研究最大障礙之一是缺乏大規模及系統性之基礎資料,本資料庫預期能幫助學術及研究部門克服基礎研究資料取得之障礙,大幅減少學術及行政部門間資料索取及處理之行政成本,由於開放資料庫亦包含各類資料格式,可供學術研究者直接進行資料分析,故預期可促進學術研究效率及產出,促進現代原住民學術研究,例如自104年11月全面開放本資料庫供各界下載使用後,許多以前難以進行之基礎研究目前得以進行,由長期角度來看,本資料庫幫助學術及研究部門克服基礎研究資料取得之障礙後,預期能有助未來累積大量的研究成果,並回饋原住民政策規劃及設計。(2).大幅減少未來提供及管理基礎資料之行政成本,及促進政策設計及規劃效率:本資料庫之建構學理基礎係奠基於資料科學,以自動化方式系統性產生合乎法律及倫理規範之開放資料庫。該開放資料庫可做為中央及地方各級政府政策規劃及決策之背景資料,能有效大幅減少各部門間資料索取公文往返行政成本、並直接運用在輔助政策規劃及決策,故預期能大幅減少行政成本及促進政策設計及規劃效率。(3).已完成特定議題之專業資料庫,使得特定專業議題之研究及政策規劃設計可以進行,包括人口變遷、家庭、都市原住民、出生、死亡、遷徙、婚配、生命表、教育、社區、族群關係等專業特定議題。 PI's Notes: * PI's note, 14 June 2024: TIPD archives have been upgraded to Version 5.0. For details & download, go seeing on "Files" of this page. * PI's note, 14 June 2024: TIPD has been updated & extended. It's also fully reorganized, with repository structure being the same as those on Dropbox & Google Drive. For details, see OSF's "Files". * PI's note, 9 February 2023: Abridged version of TIPD has been updated & extended. It's also fully reorganized, with repository structure being the same as those on Dropbox & Google Drive. For details, see OSF's "Files". * PI's note, 8 February 2023: TICD introductory page & its query system are available from CAPAS of RCHSS, Academia at * PI's note, 8 February 2023: TIPD introductory page is available from CAPAS of RCHSS, Academia at * PI's note, 8 February 2023: A few minor bugs have been reported by TIPS users. The PI plans to rebuild all TIPD datasets from 2007 to 2022 in March. Newly rebuilt TIPD will be available on OSF in May. * PI's note, 8 February 2023: TIPD datasets in the second half of 2022 have been built and uploaded to OSF; for details, go downloading from three data repositories (OSF, Dropbox, Google Drive) at OSF's "Files" page. * PI's note, 3 November 2022: TICD query system has been redesigned in late October 2022. For details, go seeing at TICD on Google: or its origianl URL: * PI's note, 3 November 2022: TICD is available on OSF in early October 2022. It can be accessed via TICD on OSF at or via AS at * PI's note, 3 November 2022: A concise version of TIPD has been built & uploaded to OSF in early October 2022. For details, see Files on OSF. * PI's note, 3 November 2022: TIPs household open datasets are rebuilt and available in TIPD in early October 2022. * PI's note, 3 November 2022: The data repository structure of TIPD has been fully regruoped in late September 2022. For details, see Files on OSF. * PI's note, 3 November 2022: TIPD datasets of the first half of 2022 (2022/01~2022/06) are available in early September 2022 on both add-on repositories of Dropbox and Google Drive. For details, go seeing Files on OSF. * PI's note, 24 January 2022: a paper entitled "Computational Archives of Population Dynamics and Migration Networks as a Gateway to Get Deep Insights into Hard-toreach Populations: Research on Taiwan Indigenous Peoples" by the PI is added to TIPD for reference, addresseing research advancement of TIPD from 2018 to 2021. It was presented in 2021 IEEE International Big Data Conference and is published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. For details, see "1_Introduction_Reference簡介及參考文獻". * PI's note, 24 January 2022: open datasets of all Taiwan indigenous communities are available in PDF format. They are organized by ethnic groups and administrative areas. For details, see "10_TICD_TaiwanIndigenousCommunityData原住民族部落基礎資料" in TIPD repository. * PI's note, 24 January 2022: the latest TICD(Taiwan Indigenous Community Data) has been added to TIPD for public download now! * PI's note, 24 January 2022: the directory structure of TIPD repository has been fully reorganized, maiking TIPD more accessible. * PI's note, 24 January 2022: the open datasets from June 2021 to Decenber 2021 have been added to TIPD reposositories. * PI's note, 7 Septemper 2021: the full URL of interactive query system of TIPs traditional communities is as follows: * PI's note, 7 Septemper 2021: an interactive query system of TIPs traditional communities based on Google Map is available. Its shortcut is "English_Shortcut for Fundamental Databank of TIPs Communities" in folder "8_FundamentalDataOnTIPsCommunities原住民族部落基礎資料". * PI's note, 7 Septemper 2021: some dataviz images are added to "2_DataVisualization資料視覺化" for the referece of interested persons. * PI's note, 7 Septemper 2021: a fully new data set on contemporary TIPs traditional communities is available at "8_FundamentalDataOnTIPsCommunities原住民族部落基礎資料". * PI's note, 7 Septemper 2021: datasets of TIPD have been extended to June 2021, except for data sets in "7_HouseholdStructureData家戶結構資料". .... .... (scroll down to the bottom to see earlier PI's notes) 計畫主持人計畫進展通告: * 2024年6月16日:PI's note, 14 June 2024: TIPD archives have been upgraded to Version 5.0. For details & download, go seeing on "Files" of this page. * 2024年6月16日:TIPD has been updated & extended. It's also fully reorganized, with repository structure being the same as those on Dropbox & Google Drive. For details, see OSF's "Files". * 2023年2月9日:TIPD精簡版已完成更新及擴充至2022年;其資料儲存庫的目錄結構亦已全面重組,和TIPD完整版在Dropbox & Google Drive的資料儲存庫目錄結構完全相同;相關細節,請至"Files"參閱及下載. * 2023年2月8日:TICD及其查詢系統目前可由此進入 * 2023年2月8日:TIPD目前可由此進入 * 2023年2月8日:計畫主持人已匯整TIPD使用者回報TIPD之錯誤及待改進地方,主持人預計2023年3月進行全部TIPD重新計算,包括2007年至2022年全部資料,預計2023年5月底公布. * 2023年2月8日:2022年6~12月之TIPD已建立及上傳至OSF三個資料儲藏室(OSF, Dropbox, Google Drive),有興趣者可自行至"Files"下載. * 2022年11月3日:台灣原住民族開放資料庫(TICD)查詢系統已在2022年10月完成重新設計,細節請至TICD on Google: or its origianl URL: 。 * 2022年11月3日:台灣原住民族開放資料庫(TICD)已在2022年10月單獨在OSF成立網頁,細節請參考TICD on OSF at or via AS at。 * 2022年11月3日:TIPD簡化版資料庫已在2022年10月建立完成,並可由OSF下載,細節請參考Files on OSF。 * 2022年11月3日:台灣原住民族家戶開放資料已完成重新計算,並於2022年10上傳至OSF。 * 2022年11月3日:TIPD資料庫資料儲存分類結構已於2022年9月完成重新分類。 * 2022年11月3日:2022/01~2022/06 TIPD資料庫已於2022年9月完成上傳至OSF. 細節請參考TIPD on Dropbox and Google Drive add-on repositories。 * 2022年1月24日:計畫主持人在2021年底,於2021 IEEE International Big Data Conference發表一篇經嚴審之論文,題目為"Computational Archives of Population Dynamics and Migration Networks as a Gateway to Get Deep Insights into Hard-to-reach Populations: Research on Taiwan Indigenous Peoples",並已由the IEEE Computer Society Press出版;內容主要說明2018至2021四年間,主持人在方法論及技術之發展及改進如何促進高度精準的台灣原住民研究及產生新TIPD內容,使得以前無法知道之細節得以清楚呈現,細節請參考"1_Introduction_Reference簡介及參考文獻"。 * 2022年1月24日:台灣原住民各部落基礎資料已依族群別及地區別分類,以PDF檔案供大家快速下載使用,細節請參考TIPD資料儲存庫的"10_TICD_TaiwanIndigenousCommunityData原住民族部落基礎資料"。 * 2022年1月24日:最新的”台灣原住民部落基礎資料庫”(TICD: Taiwan Indigenous Community Data) 已加入TIPD,細節請參考TIPD資料儲存庫的"10_TICD_TaiwanIndigenousCommunityData原住民族部落基礎資料"! * 2022年1月24日:TIPD的資料儲存目錄結構及檔案內容已大幅更新及調整,期使TIPD資料更容易搜尋及下載。 * 2022年1月24日:2021年6月至12月的開放資料已加入TIPD。 * 2021年9月7日:當代原住民部落資料之互動式查詢及視覺化系統之URL如下: * 2021年9月7日:建立在Google Map上,當代原住民部落資料之互動式查詢及視覺化系統,請至"8_FundamentalDataOnTIPsCommunities原住民族部落基礎資料",下載再點選捷徑檔"中文_原住民部落基礎資料_2021年06月網站捷徑"。 * 2021年9月7日:已新增一些資料視覺化圖形至"2_DataVisualization資料視覺化",供使用者參考。 * 2021年9月7日:全新的當代原住民部落資料(2021年6月)已完成,可至"8_FundamentalDataOnTIPsCommunities原住民族部落基礎資料"下載。 * 2021年9月7日:除了"7_HouseholdStructureData家戶結構資料"的資料,TIPD資料庫已更新至2021年6月。 .... .... (移至最下面可瀏灠稍早之計畫進展通告) PI's Earlier Notes: * PI's note, 4 March 2021: a brand new version of TIPD based on a newly developed & value-added big data base will be open to the public in July 2021. This new big data base has been under rigorous development in the past two and a half years. If interested, please stay tuned! * PI's note, 4 March 2021: we welcome new member, Dr. Kevin Wang(王信忠) to join us. He is specialized in life table and statistical computing. * PI's note, 4 March 2021: TIPD in 2021/01~2021/06 (Ver 3.0) are available in on two data repository via DropBox Add-ons (first repository) & Google Drive Add-ons (second repository). * PI's note, 2 December 2020: TIPD (Ver 3.0) is available on two data repository via DropBox Add-ons (first repository) & Google Drive Add-ons (second repository). * PI's note, 13 November 2020: A brand new version of TIPD (Ver 3.0) is just released, with an age-related bug being fixed. * PI's note, 13 November 2020: Thanks to Dr. Kui Kasirisir(許俊才) who figures out an age-related programming bug in TIPD. This bug makes TIPD overestimate the volume of younger population & underestimate that of elderly population after 2018. It has been fixed in TIPD (ver3.0)!!! * PI's note, 13 November 2020: welcome Dr. Kui Kasirisir(許俊才)from National Pingtung University of Science & Technology joins TIPD project. * PI's note, 02 March 2020: TIPD data sets in the second half of 2019 are available now. For details, see * PI's note, 02 March 2020: TIPD's version moves from V2.6 to V2.7, with "Data Visualization" as a newly added category. * PI's note, 19 July 2019: Open data sets of TIPD's first half of 2019 are available now on OSF. * PI's note, 3 June 2019: 2018 standardized contigency table in PDF format are available in Traditional Chinese and English. You can go downloading at "4_CategoricalData_AllContingencyTables_中文" for traditional Chinese version, and "4_CategoricalData_AllContingencyTables_English" for English version. * PI's note, 12 May 2019: visualization of population dynamics in 2013-2018 and highly precise "one-person-one-line" migration maps by ethnic groups are available. If interested, go downloading at /TIPD_TaiwanIndigenousPeoplesData_Ver2.6/TIPS_VizOnPopulationDyanmicsAndMigration * PI's note, 12 May 2019: highly precise "one-person-one-dot" 2018/12 population distribution maps by ethnic groups are available. If interested, go downloading at /TIPD_TaiwanIndigenousPeoplesData_Ver2.6/TIPS_GeographicalDistributionMaps/2018_TIPSSpatialDistributionMaps * PI's note, 25 February 2019: A new version of TIPD from 2007 to 2018 that provides researchers with more detailed and comprehensive temporal/spatial/dynamic information is scheduled to roll out in late May or early June of 2019. * PI's note, 25 February 2019: The data sets of TIPD in the second half of 2018 have been successfully constructed and are available at TIPD on OSF’s first and second repository, respectively. For details, see * PI's note, 22 September 2018: new open data on Population Dynamics from 2013 to 2018 are released and available. They are constructed on one-year-period and half-year-period, respectively. For details, see "6_PopulationDynamcicsData人口動態資料". * PI's note, 16 September 2018: a large set of new multi-dimensional data is available now, with age category being based on schooling age groups. For details, see \TIPD_TaiwanIndigenousPeoplesData_Ver2.6\5_MultiDimensionalTable_SchoolingAge類別資料多維表_教育別年齡(Beta) * PI's note, 15 September 2018: meta-data and readme.txt on TIPD multi-dimensional open data are fully updated, see /TIPD_TaiwanIndigenousPeoplesData_Ver2.6/5_MultiDimensionalTable類別資料多維表/0_ReadMeFirst_English * PI's note, 15 August 2018: new TIPD data sets of first half 2018 are available. * PI's note, 15 August 2018: PI finishes rewriting TIPD's metadata documents. * PI's note, 23 April 2018: English version of compiled 2007~2017 "Fundamental Statistics on Taiwan Indigenous Peoples" in PDF format are available now. For detail, see repository directory "4_CategoricalData_AllContingencyTables_English". * PI's note, 14 April 2018: The 2018-2021 joint research agreements are bilaterally approved and signed on 10 April 2018 by Council of Indigenous Peoples and Academia Sinica. * PI's note, 1 February 2018: new value-added big TIPD archival data sets are scheduled to be accessible to the public in late March. * PI's note, 1 February 2018: TIPD archives have been extended to the second half of 2017. * PI's note, 18 January 2018: the second half of 2017 TIPD data sets are scheduled to be available in late February. * PI's note, 18 January 2018: the standardized contingency tables for Feb 2017, April 2017, and June 2017 are available, see directory "4_CategoricalData_AllContingencyTables_中文" for download. * 22 November 2017: open research data on household dynamics is under construction. Its beta version is scheduled to roll out in early March, 2018. * 15 October 2017: household open data at township level are available. To protect privacy, information on household head is not offered for household open data at township level. * 12 October 2017: The new wave of TIPD update in October 2017 adds more than 5,000 open data in TIDP archives. * 12 October 2017: TIPD in R data format are now available in the latest release sets. * 12 October 2017: TIPD's beta-version statistics on indigenous peoples' traditional tribes are finally rolled out. The very detailed sets will be released by the end of 2017. For your reference, go seeing "TirbalStatistics部落統計_中文(Beta)". * 12 October 2017: TIPD for data on TIPs residing in urbanized areas are extended to June 2017, see "CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_都市原住民_中文". Note that English version are available in "CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_English". * 11 October 2017: TIPD population dynamics data between June 2016 and May 2017 are available now, see "PopulationDynamcicsData人口動態資料". * 11 October 2017: TIPD household data sets are updated and extended to June 2017, see "HouseholdStructureData家戶結構資料". * 11 October 2017: TIPD multi-dimensional tables are extended to June 2017 now. For details, refer to "CategoricalData_MultiDimensionalTable類別資料多維表". * 11 October 2017: TIPD's standardized contingency tables (or the so-called cross-tabulated tables) for Jan-June 2017 are rolled out. For details, see "CategoricalData_MultiDimensionalTable類別資料多維表". * 5 October 2017: using deterministic and probabilistic record matching methods + high performance computing facilities + in-memory computing technique, TIPD research has unveiled ethnic marriage practice patterns and source of ethnic identity formation based on constructed individual genealogy data. The aforementioned data are to be open in the form of open data to academic communities soon. Stay tuned if interested. * 5 October 2017: open research data sets on traditional tribes have been successfully constructed. They are to be rolled out in the forms of contingency table and multidimensional table in late October or early November. * 5 October 2017: TIPs' geographic population centers that are aggregated at individual level will be released in late October. They include geographic population centers of region, prefecture/city, township, Chhun-Li, metropolitan area, traditional tribe, urban community. * 5 October 2017: an update of TIPD dating to June 2017 is to be rolled out by the end of October or early November. * 7 April 2017: TIPD has been fully updated to Ver. 2.5. New contents are forthcoming. Please stay tuned! * 28 March 2017: Open massive data infographics and DataViz (Data Visualization) are being prepared. Please stay tuned if getting interested. * 29 March 2017: TIPD files have been totally updated and extended. New "ReadMe"s are being updated. * 28 March 2017: TIPD contingency XLS tables have all been regenerated in genuine Excel XLSx format. For details, see "CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_中文" and "CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_English". * 28 March 2017: English version TIPD contingency tables are all updated and extended to December 2016, with all bugs being fixed. For details, see "CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_English". * 13 March 2017: Open data on genealogy that are constructed by methodology of high-performance computing and exact-/probabilistic record matching is scheduled to open to the public in the end of 2017. * 13 March 2017: Open data on household-level WGS84 geocoding info are scheduled to open to the public in the second half of 2017. If interested, please stay tuned. * 13 March 2017: Standardized contingency tables are extended to December 2014, including bimonthly and yearly-pooled tables. For detailed information, see folder "CategoricalData_AllContingencyTables_中文". * 20 February 2017: Small-area open data are being compiled in selected areas, mostly metropolitan areas. Stay tuned if getting interested. * 20 February 2017: Statics on demographic info, human capital, etc., are being compiled at both individual and household levels. Stay tuned if getting interested. * 20 February 2017: Contingency tables in tradition Chinese are updated and extended to Dec. 2016, with village-level info being open to the public. For details, see "CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_中文". * 10 February 2017: References about TIPD attending IODC16 at Madrid could be found at "AcademicActivities_Reference". * 10 February 2017: Open data sets of population dynamics are updated and extended to May 2016. For details, see "PopulationDynamicsData人口動態資料". * 9 February 2017: Open data sets of multidimensional tables and household structure are updated and extended to December 2016. For details, see "CategoricalData_MultiDimensionalTable類別資料多維表" and "HouseholdStructureData家戶結構資料" * 22 November 2016: Bugs are found in English version TIPD. They are being fixed and new release will be available in early December. * 22 November 2016: Two new releases of open data are available. They are (1) 201709 TIPs Spatial Distribution, and (2) Statistics on TIPs in non-indigenous areas: migration-related statistics. Welcome to report errata you find. 計畫主持人先前之計畫進展通告 * 2021年3月4日:利用全新開發及加值的巨量資料,全新版本的TIPD預計在110年7月公布,此一全新開發及加值的巨量資料,歷時兩年半才完成,將可提供精確的時間動態及空間資訊。 * 2021年3月4日:歡迎王信忠老師加入本團隊,他主要專長在統計計算及生命表研究。 * 2021年3月4日:110年1月至6月之TIPD開放資料,已公開供大眾自由下戴使用。 * 2020年12月2日:TIPD (Ver 3.0) 可分別由 DropBox Add-ons (第一資料儲藏庫) 及 Google Drive Add-ons (第二資料儲藏庫)下載。 * 2020年11月13日:全新改版TIPD (Ver 3.0)已經公開釋出,主要修正為年齡之計算改為實歲年齡及文件內容錯漏字修正。 * 2020年11月13日:感謝許俊才老師(Kui Kasirisir)發現TIPD年齡計算之小錯誤,該小錯誤會使2018之後年齡誤差擴大,造成高估年輕人口數及低估高齡人口數;本次已全面重新計算(2007至2020所有資料),新資料為版本3.0 (Ver 3.0)。 * 2020年3月2日:2019下半年之TIPD開放資料,已放在OSF可供自由下載。細節參考: * 2020年3月2日:TIPD開放資料庫版本已由V2.6,變更為V2.7,主要變動為增加"資料視覺化"(含互動式)資料。 * 2019年7月19日:2019上半年之TIPD開放資料,已放在OSF可供自由下載。細節參考: * 2019年6月3日:2018 標準化繁體中文及英文PDF格式列聯表已可供下載,繁體中文版請至"4_CategoricalData_AllContingencyTables_中文 "下載,英文版在"4_CategoricalData_AllContingencyTables_English"。 * 2019年5月12日:2013-2018六年人口動態視覺化基本圖及高精確"一人一線" 原住民族各族群遷徙圖已釋出,下載請至 /TIPD_TaiwanIndigenousPeoplesData_Ver2.6/TIPS_VizOnPopulationDyanmicsAndMigration * 2019年5月12日:高精確度2018年12月的"一人一點"各原住民族人口分布圖已公布,下載請至 /TIPD_TaiwanIndigenousPeoplesData_Ver2.6/TIPS_GeographicalDistributionMaps/2018_TIPSSpatialDistributionMaps * 2019年2月25日:TIPD全面大改版開放研究資料,包括2007~2018年間之資料,預計2019年五月底或六月公布。 * 2019年2月25日:2018下半年的TIPD資料,已成功建立及更新完成,亦已可在OSF的第一資料貯藏庫和第二資料貯藏庫下載,相關細節,請參考 * 2018年9月22日:2013至2018的半年期及一年期的人口動態資料已建構及加值完成,目前已公開供各界自由下載使用。相關資料細節,請參考"6_PopulationDynamcicsData人口動態資料"。 * 2018年9月16日:依學齡類別為主之全新完整的多維表開放資料已可供自由下載使用,相關資料請至如下目錄下載:\TIPD_TaiwanIndigenousPeoplesData_Ver2.6\5_MultiDimensionalTable_SchoolingAge類別資料多維表_教育別年齡(Beta) * 2018年9月15日:TIPD多維表開放資料之相關說明文件及資料格式已大幅及全面更新,細節參考/TIPD_TaiwanIndigenousPeoplesData_Ver2.6/5_MultiDimensionalTable類別資料多維表/0_ReadMeFirst_中文 * 2018年8月15日:2018年上半年之新的TIPD資料已可供下載。 * 2018年8月15日:計畫主持人已更新TIPD資料說明文件。 * 2018年4月23日:英文版本PDF格式之2007~2017"FundamentalStatisticsonTaiwanIndigenousPeoples"已完成整合,細節請參考資料佇存目錄"4_CategoricalData_AllContingencyTables_English"。 * 2018年4月14日:原住民族委員會及中央研究院於107年4月10日完成107-110年雙邊研究合作計畫審查及簽定雙邊研究合作協議。 * 2018年2月1日:最新加值新增之TIPD巨量資料預計在三月底釋出。 * 2018年2月1日:TIPD資料已更新至2017年年底。 * 2018年1月18日:2017年下半年度之TIPD各類資料,預計在2018年2月底公開。 * 2018年1月18日:2017年2月、4月、6月之標準化列聯表已完成,檔案下載目錄為"4_CategoricalData_AllContingencyTables_中文" * 2017年11月22日:家戶動態資料庫正在建構中。其beta版本即將在2018年3月初推出。 * 2017年10月15日:有關台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫鄉鎮級之家戶資訊已開放下載。為保護隱私,資料庫未提供戶長之基本資訊。 * 2017年10月12日:2017年新一波的TIPD資料庫已更新,新增加開放資料有超過5000個。 * 2017年10月12日:TIPD資料庫在最新的版本中提供R資料格式。 * 2017年10月12日:TIPD資料庫已推出原住民傳統部落的統計資料Beta版本,將在2017年年底釋出,細節請參考資料儲存目錄"TirbalStatistics部落統計_中文(Beta)"。 * 2017年10月12日:都市區原住民資料已擴充到2017年6月,細節請參考資料儲存目錄"CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_都市原住民_中文"。備註:英文版TIPD資料庫參見"CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_English"。 * 2017年10月11日:2016年6月至2017年5月之TIPD人口動態資料已釋出,細節請參考資料儲存目錄"PopulationDynamcicsData人口動態資料"。 * 2017年10月11日:TIPD家戶資料已擴展及更新到2017年6月,細節請參考資料儲存目錄"HouseholdStructureData家戶結構資料"。 * 2017年10月11日:TIPD資料之類別資料多維表已擴充到2017年6月,細節請參考資料儲存目錄"CategoricalData_MultiDimensionalTable類別資料多維表"、"CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_English"and"CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_中文"。 * 2017年10月11日:TIPD資料已推出2017年1月至7月之交叉表,細節請參考資料儲存目錄"CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_English"and"CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_中文"。 * 2017年10月5日:TIPD資料庫應用確定性和概率記錄匹配方式、高效能計算和超級運算之方法,揭示了基於建構個體譜系資料的原住民族婚姻實踐模式和族群身份形成的源由。上述資料即將以開放資料的形式釋出。若有興趣,敬請關注。 * 2017年10月5日:TIPD資料庫已成功建立原住民傳統部落的資料。該部落資料將在10月下旬或11月初以交叉表和多維表的方式釋出。 * 2017年10月5日:台灣原住民地理人口中心聚集在個體層面的資訊將於10月下旬公佈。內容包括區域、縣市、鄉鎮市區、村里、部落、都會區之人口中心資料。 * 2017年10月5日:TIPD資料庫已更新到2017年6月,將在10月底或11月初釋出。 * 2017年4月7日:TIPD資料庫已大幅更新至2.5版本,新內容陸續增加中,敬請期待。 * 2017年3月28日:巨大的資料庫圖表和資料視覺化圖案即將釋出。有興趣者,請繼續留意最新資訊。 * 2017年3月29日:TIPD資料已完成更新和擴展。新版"請先閱讀"正在進行更新。 * 2017年3月28日:TIPD資料庫之XLS列聯表以真正的ExcelXLSx格式產出。細節請參考資料儲存目錄"CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_中文"和"CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_English"。 * 2017年3月28日:英文版TIPD資料庫之列聯表已全面更新至2016年12月,所有錯誤亦修正。細節請參考資料儲存目錄"CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_English"。 * 2017年3月13日:建構家譜/譜系資料所使用的高效能計算和超級運算之方法,預計在2017年底釋出。 * 2017年3月13日:TIPD資料庫之家戶資料WGS84座標系統的資訊,預計在2017年底釋出。請繼續留意最新資訊。 * 2017年3月13日:標準化列聯表資料已全面更新至2014年12月,包括雙月及年度總匯表。細節請參考資料儲存目錄"CategoricalData_AllContingencyTables_中文"。 * 2017年2月20日:最小統計區的開放資料主要選定區域為大都會區。請繼續留意最新資訊。 * 2017年2月20日:個人和家戶等資料進行匯編到人口結構及人力資本等統計訊息。請繼續留意最新資訊。 * 2017年2月20日:繁體中文版的列聯表已更新至2016年12月,村里等資料將向大眾公開。細節請參考資料儲存目錄"CategoricalData_ContingencyTables_中文"。 * 2017年2月10日:有關TIPD計畫成員赴馬德里參加IODC16會議大會的資訊,請參閱 "AcademicActivities_Reference"。 * 2017年2月10日:人口動態之開放資料已更新至2016年5月。細節請參考資料儲存目錄"PopulationDynamicsData人口動態資料"。 * 2017年2月9日:TIPD資料庫之多維表資料及家戶結構資料已更新至2016年12月。細節請參考資料儲存目錄"CategoricalData_MultiDimensionalTable類別資料多維表"及"HouseholdStructureData家戶結構資料"。 * 2016年11月22日:英文版TIPD資料庫有出現錯誤,更正後新版本將在今年12月初釋出。 * 2016年11月22日:台灣原住民基礎開放研究資料庫(TIPD,TaiwanIndigenousPeoplesopenresearchData)之兩個新版本可自行下載使用。包含(1)2017年9月原住民空間分佈圖,及(2)非原住民地區遷移統計圖。若發現資料庫有任何錯誤 , 歡迎指導。

License: GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0

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TICD : Taiwan Indigenous Communities Open Data 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫

Part research outcomes from TIPD at TICD : Taiwan Indigenous Communities Open Data 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫 1_CopyLeft(L) 2013-2024, Counc...

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TIHV : Taiwan Indigenous People’s High-resolution Visualization of Population Distribution, Migration Dynamics, Traditional Communities by Ethnic Groups 當代台灣原住民高解析度視覺化圖形資料庫:人口分布、遷徙、傳統部落

Part research outcomes from TIPD at TIHV : Taiwan Indigenous People’s High-resolution Visualization of Population Distribution, ...

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iqTICD : Integrated Query System of Taiwan Indigenous Community Open Data 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫綜合查詢系統

Part research outcomes from TIPD at iqTICD : Integrated Query System of Taiwan Indigenous Community Open Data 台灣原住民族部落開放資料庫綜合查詢...

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TIMD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Migration Dynamics 台灣原住民各族群遷徙動態

Part research outcomes from TIPD at TIMD : Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Migration Dynamics 台灣原住民各族群遷徙動態 1_CopyLeft(L) 2013-2024, C...

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