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Description: Mental simulation theories of language comprehension propose that people automatically create mental representations of objects mentioned in sentences. Mental representation is often measured with the sentence-picture verification task, wherein participants first read a sentence that implies the object property (i.e., shape and orientation). Participants then respond to an image of an object by indicating whether it was an object from the sentence or not. Previous studies have shown matching advantages for shape, but findings concerning object orientation have not been robust across languages. This registered report investigated the match advantage of object orientation across 18 languages in nearly 4,000 participants. The preregistered analysis revealed no compelling evidence for a match advantage across languages. Additionally, the match advantage was not predicted by mental rotation scores. Overall, the results did not support current mental simulation theories.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International

Has supplemental materials for Investigating Object Orientation Effects Across 18 Languages on OSF Preprints


Pre-registration and Preprint

  • The Stage 1 folder includes the markdown to create the preprint document.
  • Registered report at Psychonomic Bulletin & Review

Stage 2 Manuscript

Power Analysis

  • Check out power_PANGEA.R and power_simr.R scripts to view the power analyses in R for mixed models.
  • Use G*Power for power analyses base…


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Power analysis

Power analyses for pre-registration.

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Ethics Approvals

Ethics and IRB approvals for Object Orientation Study.

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Materials for Object Orientation Study

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Translation materials for the Object Orientation Study

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Lab Demo Video

Examples of how each lab ran the Object Orientation study in person.

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Data Management

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Report: Data and source files

"rawdatra" folder contains all the rawdata from participated labs. Preprocessing codes are available in . The other files are f...

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Reproducible Manuscript: Data + Scripts

Reproducible manuscript and final data for the Object Orientation study.

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